Consultation online: ACT Health Directorate Mental Health Services Commissioning Blueprint
04/07/2023 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
| FreeThe ACT Health Directorate (ACTHD) has extended their timeframe for the consultation process on their new approach to commissioning community-based NGO mental health services in the ACT. ACTHD are seeking feedback on their Blueprint that sets out the future vision for the NGO funded mental health sector and are looking for ideas about how they can put it into practice. The revised deadline for feedback is now Friday 7 July 2023.
This is an important and timely consultation for the volunteering sector to connect with, as feedback received will be used to inform the investment strategy for ACTHD’s mental health subsector commissioning. There is an opportunity to draw links with our recently published Listening Report and ACT Volunteering Strategy development work and highlight how volunteering activities and contributions support/enhance mental health service delivery, frequently achieve positive mental health and wellbeing outcomes, and are a smart investment for more resourcing within the future mental health service system.
VolunteeringACT will be making a collective response on behalf of the volunteering sector and will be holding an online consultation session for any interested VIOs. We would love to hear from any mental health organisations in our networks who are also making a submission, and VIOs can also send any feedback on the Blueprint directly to us via email at policy@volunteeringact.org.au.
For background information and the full consultation documents, please click here.
Consultation session details:
Date: Tuesday 4 July 2023
Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Online – After registration, a Microsoft Team’s link will be sent out to the participants
Cost: FREE / Online
VolunteeringACT is committed to inclusion of people of all backgrounds and abilities. Please let us know if you have any access requirements, or require any additional support.