February- Online Sector Networking for Managers and Coordinators of Volunteers
27 Feb 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
VolunteeringACT is pleased to host our final online networking event of the year.
Date – Tuesdsay 27 January 2024
Time – 11am – 12pm
Location – Online [Microsoft Teams}
Theme – National Standards for Volunteer Involvement!!
Our monthly networking events aim to provide a platform for professionals in the volunteering sector to come together, share information and updates, and openly discuss current challenges we are facing, as we continue to adapt our volunteer programs in these ever-changing circumstances.
The theme this month is the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement. With Volunteering Australia launching the refreshed standards on Thursday 22nd February, this is the perfect time to reflect on how organisations can understand and implement the Standards in line with Volunteering Best Practice.
This session will cover what has changed in the new Standards, as well as guide a group discussion on what implementation can look like, and what challenges you may face when undergoing organisational change.
The networking event will be hosted via Microsoft Teams by the VolunteeringACT Team.
A meeting link will be sent to all registered attendees prior to the session.