Online Consultation: National Multicultural Framework Review
18/09/2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| FreeVolunteeringACT are conducting a consultation with our community to inform our submission to the National Multicultural Framework Review.
This Review will help the Government to ensure migrants are supported and that government plays a critical role in supporting our inclusive and cohesive multicultural society, ensuring we continue to enjoy it’s social and economic benefits!
Online community consultation:
Date – Monday 18 Sept
Time – 10am-12pm
Location – Online via MicrosoftTeams (The link will be sent to registered attendees before the session)
Cost: FREE / Online
The Consultation session will support VolunteeringACT to design a submission which reflects our community, it’s insights and the value of volunteering in multicultural communities.
A simple online form is also available for anyone who can’t attend.
We would love to hear from any multicultural organisations in our networks who are also making a submission!
If you would like to complete the online form, or feedback in another way please email us at policy@volunteeringact.org.au.
VolunteeringACT is committed to inclusion of people of all backgrounds and abilities. Please let us know if you have any access requirements, or require any additional support.
Find out more about the review here – https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about-us/our-portfolios/multicultural-framework-review/about-the-multicultural-framework-review