Online Networking Event for Managers and Coordinators of Volunteers – Your COVID-19 Legal Questions Answered!
09/12/2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
| FreeVolunteeringACT is pleased to host our December online networking event for Managers and Coordinators of Volunteers.
Our monthly networking events aim to provide a platform for professionals in the volunteering sector to come together and openly discuss current challenges we are facing, as we continue to adapt our volunteer programs in these ever changing circumstances. This event is a slightly longer session than usual, with some time dedicated to answering the legal questions around COVID-19, vaccinations, and volunteer rights/responsibilities organisations have been raising with us over the past few weeks. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to share any notices, ideas and experiences from across the sector and help inform VolunteeringACT’s ongoing advice and support to you all during this challenging period.
The networking event will be hosted by the VolunteeringACT Team with Special Counsel Iona Goodwin and Alison Baker in attendance from Hall and Wilcox Law Firm.
Registrations will close at 5pm, Wednesday 8 December 2021. If you are not able to register in time, please contact us.