The ACT Community Services Industry is one reliant on a skilled, well supported and properly remunerated workforce, including the additional capacity delivered through volunteer involvement. The Industry is guided by the following three values, which give it a unique point of difference:
Most of the services delivered by Industry organisations are person-centred and person-led, which is one of the key strengths of the Industry. Given that people are key to success for most organisations, there is an enduring challenge in ensuring adequate resourcing for workers and delivering outcomes for the people the organisation serves, with many organisations indicating in feedback they are often forced to choose between these two critical components.
In 2018, as part of workforce analysis and planning, the ACT Government, with endorsement from the Industry Strategy Steering Group, commissioned a project to develop a framework and tools to support consistent onboarding, supervision, peer support, coaching and mentoring across the ACT Community Services Industry. The framework and tools are tailored to the ACT Community Services Industry based on user feedback and research.