Corporate Membership

Original price was: $990.00.Current price is: $495.00. inc. GST

As a member, you will receive valuable benefits including access to services, training and events to support you and your organisation in the management of your volunteers. You will be consulted on advocacy issues to ensure you are informed and your interests are represented. By joining our network of volunteer involving organisations and volunteer management professionals our collective voice will be a stronger advocate for volunteering in the ACT.



Corporate Membership of VolunteeringACT will include the following benefits:

  • Initial consultation to discuss strategic corporate giving objectives.
  • Membership of VolunteeringACT’s Corporate Volunteering Council, including attendance at quarterly meetings.
  • Use of VolunteeringACT’s Corporate Member logo.
  • A quarterly newsletter highlighting general volunteering opportunities in the Canberra region.
  • Advance opportunities to partner with VolunteeringACT on special events such as the Volunteering Expo and Volunteering Awards.
  • 10% discount on fee-for-service corporate volunteering activities organised by VolunteeringACT.
  • 10% discount on corporate giving consulting.
  • 10% discount on customised training.
  • One on-site information session for staff on the benefits of volunteering.
  • One half-day activity-based corporate volunteering opportunity with one of VolunteeringACT’s Organisational Members, including a post-activity survey and one-page evaluation.

Terms and Conditions

  • Corporate Members do not receive voting rights under the Volunteering and Contact ACT Constitution.
  • Corporate Member Benefits are annual benefits and cannot be rolled over. The date of membership does not need to align to financial years.
  • Corporate Members will not have access to advertising opportunities through membership.
  • Prospective Corporate Members will be subject to the same due diligence as all prospective Members of VolunteeringACT.
  • Corporate Members will be required to maintain adequate Workers’ Compensation insurance that extends to corporate volunteering activities.
  • Corporate Members will be expected to sign and abide by VolunteeringACT’s Ethical Volunteering Framework.
  • VolunteeringACT reserves the right to reject Corporate Membership applications.
  • The half-day corporate volunteering activity is for up to ten staff and will be organised at VolunteeringACT’s discretion based on Member needs.
  • VolunteeringACT will endeavour to scope the half-day activity in line with a Corporate Member’s strategic objectives; however, the final activity may be based on demand. If a Corporate Member rejects a proposed activity they forfeit the free half-day activity for the current membership year.
  • Corporate Members may replace the half-day volunteering activity with a skills-based volunteering activity by negotiating with VolunteeringACT.
  • Corporate volunteering activities and consulting above and beyond the included benefits will be charged at a fee-for-service rate.
  • VolunteeringACT administers a generic survey to all corporate volunteering participants. This survey can be customised on request but may attract an additional fee.

Corporate Volunteering Activity Fees (in addition to the half-day activity included)

Activity-Based Volunteering

  • $150 per person + 26% project management fee + disbursements (if applicable)
    • e.g., One activity for ten employees = $1890

Skills-Based Volunteering

  • By negotiation based on the scope of work and VolunteeringACT’s involvement

Marketing Package

  • Corporate Members can opt to add a marketing package to their corporate volunteering activities for an additional fee.

Bespoke Offering

  • VolunteeringACT can tailor a quote for an additional fee.
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