Volunteers are an essential workforce, the foundation of community well-being and drivers of $14.1 billion in value to the ACT community.
The State of Volunteering in the ACT Report 2024 shows that 75% of ACT residents contributed over 63 million hours volunteering, generating $14.1 billion of commercial, civic, and individual benefits for Canberra and our region in 2023.
Even though volunteers give their time willingly for no financial gain, volunteering is not free. The Report revealed that volunteers shoulder 65% of the total expenses associated with volunteering activities such as travel and uniforms, bringing the average cost per month to $243.
78% of volunteers intend to maintain or increase their volunteering hours over the next three years, and 41% of non-volunteers intend to take up volunteering activities over the next three years.
In spite of all of the volunteering done by Canberrans we still have gaps in volunteering roles. Gaps in volunteering recruitment and retention have been created by demographic change, the challenges of the current cost-of-living crisis and the ongoing impacts of COVID-19.
VolunteeringACT is inviting all candidates participating in the ACT Election to commit to investing $13.9 million in 2024-2028 to ensure the challenges identified in the State of Volunteering ACT 2024 Report are addressed in the 2024-2028 term of the ACT Government.
Investing $13.9 million over four years will:

Support our #StrengthenACTVolunteering campaign to increase volunteers and ensure volunteer involving organisations can continue to support all of us.
Useful resources:
The State of Volunteering Report is a research project that aims to provide a current snapshot of the volunteering sector across Australia. The project was conducted by an independent organisation in partnership with the respective state and territory volunteering peak bodies. The research also captures and quantifies the changing nature of volunteering in the population and volunteer-involving organisations.
The State of Volunteering in the ACT Report 2024 demonstrates the significant, vital, and diverse contribution that volunteers make to the ACT community and provide a clear justification for ongoing recognition, support, and investment in the volunteering ecosystem.
VolunteeringACT priorities for investment align with the ACT for Community Campaign led by the ACT Council of Social Service. This campaign is calling on all candidates seeking election to the Legislative Assembly in 2024-2028 to commit to increase funding for community services to ensure better support for people in need, stronger social connections, and a healthier, more resilient ACT community. This includes sustainably funding the community sector, including volunteer involving organisations.
Authorised by Jean Giese on behalf of VolunteeringACT – August 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at policy@volunteeringact.org.au