Take your first step to making a difference to the Canberra community with VolunteeringACT

Membership Application Form

This form is for new members engaging with VolunteeringACT. This form can be completed before or after membership payment has been processed through the website, or via invoice. If you have any questions please reach out to membership@volunteeringact.org.au

Your organisation

Organisation Address(Required)
Organisation Service Focus(Required)
In what area of work does your organisation mainly focus?

Organisation Type(Required)

Max. file size: 50 MB.

Your membership

Membership Type(Required)
How would you like to pay your membership fee?(Required)
Note: For your application to be accepted by VolunteeringACT it must be accompanied by the appropriate membership fee. This fee can be paid via the website before or after completing this form, or you can pay via invoice from VolunteeringACT. All applications must be endorsed by VolunteeringACT's board. Once you have been endorsed, you will receive a notification. If you are not endorsed, your fee will be refunded.
This will help us to tailor your support and to ensure you are connected with the services you require.

Your volunteer program

Your Name(Required)
Your Email(Required)
Finance Contact
This is the person we will send any invoices or payment requests to. If the finance contact is the same as above, leave this section blank.

Terms & Conditions

I confirm that this organisation has public liability in which protects the organisation and volunteers from legal action from third parties where negligence can be proven.(Required)
I confirm that this organisation has suitable volunteer insurance to protect volunteers if they are injured without proof of negligence.(Required)
I confirm that all of the above information is true and correct and I am authorised to make this application on behalf of the organisation detailed above: